How to create a free blog site with blogger

 What is blog site

A blog is a type of website where many content present .The only different a blog is that frequently update their content . Different type of content should here to increase blog site traffic.Many blogger earn per month huge money.

create a free blog site

How to create a free blog

If you want to create a free blog site with site . Than you should sign up first and than you see a layout or blogger dashboard.

How to create a free blog site with blogger

Here you can see create blog option just click here than you choose your blog title like , make money online,online tips,health tips and Make funny etc.Than select blog  site name: .example{ } You should choose your content related name when sowing available your blog address  than click next. Now you are create a free blog site with blogger.

How to create a free blog site with blogger

Than you can see another dashboard ,Here you can see create post option and stastactic and how to change your theme .You can full control your website here. 
Follow this image to learn how to create a free blog site.

create a free blog site

Click new post to write a post for publish.this is another image that how to write a post .See below can understand easily for that image.
create a free blog site

When your post write completed than click publish .Ok Than your post will publish in google.You need to more 30 plus post to earn money your blog. 

Finally , I hope that you understand my article that how to create a free blog for making money.stay with this site to know update about  create a free blog site. add adsense in your site to make money.If you feel any problem to create a blog site just throw a comment below.

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